Customer Testimonials

Centra Partners Management

It is with great enthusiasm I write this letter recommendation for the services of Lincoln Security Systems.


We have recently partnered with them on two large multi-family property camera installations. They have worked tirelessly from the initial placement recommendations and professional install, to the training of side teams and even assisting in an emergency situation when we needed additional coverage on a property in a very short time frame. They also provide a standard 2-year warranty for equipment and maintenance.


I am happy to recommend the services of Lincoln Security Systems.

Connie Castello

Vice President of operation

Centra Partners Management

Sharpstown Park

“Your company offered IP cameras with an amazing picture quality. I would recommend them to anyone looking to install cameras”.

Sherry Bess

Property Manager

Timbers of Inwood Forest Apartments – Rancho Verde Apartments – Casa Grande Apartments – Los Pinos Apartments – Avalon Apartments


“Lincoln’s cameras are much clearer and have helped us in some criminal investigations of
activity. Lincoln is always quick to help when there are any camera problems as well. Their
service is tremendous. We are glad we made the switch”.

Jon Yonge


The Pines at Long Point

“Here at The Pines of Long Point we have been very grateful to Lincoln Security. It has made a difference here on the property with their equipment. They are always available”.

Denise Yslas

Property Manager

Ravenwood - Houston Apartments

“We are extremely pleased with both the service and the equipment. The Lincoln Security team is always courteous, attentive and very professional”difference here on the property with their equipment. They are always available”.

Jessica Garcia

Property Manager

Oakwood Village Apartments

“We have had our surveillance system for a little over 2 years now. Not only was it affordable, it is a great amenity, but most importantly it gives you peace of mind while at work or home. I can view my apartment community anytime”

Diane Chavez

Property Manager

Aspen Forest - Apartment Homes

“Lincoln Security provides us not only with quality service but the technology to match, and for a reasonable price. As far as technology goes, they are ahead of the game”.

Elba Quiroz

Property Manager

Gramercy Management

“Deciding what security measures to implement and the security company to hire is a challenge. [Lincoln Security] are real professionals who really care to assess your building and to offer board and management the best recommendations for increasing the day-to-day safety under flexible financial plans”.

Julio Ramirez

Gramercy Management

Customers Include